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As your coach, I will help you to break through the barriers that are preventing you from doing what's important to you and living the life you really desire and being uniquely you.
As your coach, I will challenge you to focus, set plans and goals, take action on what it is you would like to do and who you really are.
Life is not meant for you to keeping doing it or figuring it all alone. Everyone needs someone to help them along the way. It will make it a lot easier and you will feel relieved and energetic to get back your sparkle and things accomplished.
As your coach, I will partner with you, hold you accountable and give you that push to do what you desire and live the life you love. I will be your inspirationalist to support you and cheer you on.
Click Here to Sign-up for a complimentary Take Charge of Your Life jumpstart session.
Be The Bold You and Live the Life You Really Want!
What Kind of Life Do You Want? Who Are You Being? How Can You Achieve What You Want?
You are unique. There is only one you! You get to choose how you're going to live your life.
If you don't choose to live your life your way, life will happen to you or you will it live the way someone else wants you to.
This program is designed to help you to confidently bring your dreams, desires, and true self to life.
Are you ready to have fun, make successful changes and Shift Your Life from Settling to Sparkling? Start Today! Find Out How!
D - Decide What You Want and Why
Decision Time! What are your intentions, dreams, and your desires?
O - Openly See Where You Are Now
Get Real! What's going on in your life currently?
I - Identify and Tackle What's Stopping You
Look Closely! What's getting in your way?
T - Time to Create Your Plan
Outline It! Where do you want to start?
N - Navigate Your Plan into Action
It's that Time! Get on Your Mark, Get Ready, Get Set, Get Going!
O - Observe Your Accomplishments
Whew! You did It! Celebrate Your Achievement! What Are Your Thoughts?
W - Winning and Thriving
Next Step! Where do you go from here?
Inspiring, encouraging and helping dedicated ambitious individuals who are tired of settling in their comfort zone and ready to take action to get their life and sparkle back so they can achieve what they want in their life and/or business.
Sometimes as we go through life, we do not see ourselves clearly. We sit around wondering why our relationships, marriage, career, job and just our plain old life isn't working for us. We beat ourselves up and ask why we are unable to do what we want and make the best choices for ourselves.
The fact that you are seeking help and are seriously considering paying to work with me tells me that you are ready to take action. Congratulations to you for taking an important first step towards taking your life to the next level. You are ready to create a life that sparkles to live the life you love. Way to go!
We offer One-on-One and Group Coaching.
One-on-One Coaching
Group Coaching
Coaching is usually done via phone or internet.
Copyright © 2018 - Free to Sparkle - All Rights Reserved.